Deadline : 20 July 2021

The technical framework and budget should be sent to 

For any inquiries call 0721 949 546

1.0 About KOAN

Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) is a national membership organization for organic agriculture in Kenya. KOAN’s vision is a dynamic and vibrant organic agriculture industry that contributes to a healthy environment livelihood security and a growing consumer market. Its mission is to lead, coordinate and create public exposure of the national organic agriculture sector, promoting its contribution to economic, environmental and social benefits. KOAN Membership is derived from farmers, traders, exporters, service providers, input suppliers (extension officers, certification bodies) and research institutions. The organization goal is to develop key competencies, skills and strategies in the areas of Organic Production; Marketing; Standards and Certification; Training, Extension and Information Exchange; Networking, Policy and Advocacy.

In pursuance of its mandate, KOAN has received a grant from Biovision Africa Trust to implement an innovative programme which will increase accessibility of organic inputs among smallholder organic farmers in Kenya. In line with this, KOAN would like to develop an integrated organic inputs value chain management system. This will involve development of an e-platform where organic producers can order organic inputs using a mobile application, web application and a USSD code. The aim is to develop a dynamic system that has functionality of CRM, produce tracking, order management and reporting to Kenya Organic Agriculture Network

2.0 Services required.

The specific services required under this call for expression of interest include the following:

Build and Deploy a collaborative and internet based order management system retailing organic inputs for Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN).

2.1 The system should allow for:
• Input manufacturers to upload available inputs range with specifications such as usage, quantity and cost.
• Retail buyers to order from products available and orders processed by KOAN.
• Note paid and unpaid orders.
• Provide various reports to stakeholders.• Sectors to be managed through the BRP system:

2.2 Stakeholders
• Farmers/ Retail/ Wholesale Buyers (App and Online System)
• KOAN (App and Online System)
• Input providers (App and Online System)

2.3 Information Managed
• Organic Inputs ordering by Farmer
• Orders and Order Quantities
• Payments and Payment Reporting
• Client Relationship Management
• Supplier Relationship Management


3.1 Critical Activities
Towards the implementation of the system, the following will be automated:
• Tracking People (Farmers, Customers, Input providers …)
• Tracking Organic Inputs
• Tracking Orders and Sales
• Tracking Payments
• Reporting and Feedback at all Levels

3.2 Approach to Development
The suggested approach will result to the following (Not exclusive):
• Internet Based System (Web Application+API)
• Modularized System (Scalable Modules)
• USSD coding ordering system
• Accessible on all digital platforms (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone)

Linkage with already existing web platforms and

3.3 Modules / Features
The following modules should be implemented:
• CRM Management
• Organic Inputs Inventory Management
• Ordering and Orders Lifecycle Management
• Security Management
• Dynamic Dashboards
• User Friendly UI
• Web based Interface
• Branch and User Functionality

3.4 Platform Requirements
For the user interface, the following is expected as outputs:
• Full website with organic produce loading and ordering.

• All stakeholders will be able to go to the KOAN orders website and manage their orders.
• Consumer App. An app for consumers to order organic inputs and manage their accounts which will include orders and order processing.
• KOAN App. Additionally there shall be a possibility of KOAN team to view and manage various sections of the eco system as required and manage orders from retail clients.
• Input Providers’ App the will allow for posting of inputs and management of orders with various reporting.


The project’s key deliverables will be the following:
1. KOAN website – Ordering Website
2. KOAN Input Providers’ App
3. KOAN Clients’ App
4. USSD ordering system
5. Documentation and manuals for the eco-system.

5.0 Time frame

The estimate start date is July 2021 with final hand over expected not later than 4 months from the signing of service contract.

6.0 Expertise required

KOAN is therefore looking for a qualified consultant or a consulting firm to undertake the services indicated above. The consultant should have the following:

a) Formal training at a degree level on computer literacy or related.
b) Have a profile of at least 3 databases or websites he/she has developed. This should be supported by contact persons and contacts of the clients.
c) At least 3 years’ experience in the field of developing mobile based applications and web based systems with end to end functionality.

7.0 Payment

The prospective consultant is requested to send a detailed financial proposal indicating breakdown of costs and total cost inclusive of taxes.

8.0 Technical approach

The consultant should send a proposed technical framework for developing the application.

The technical framework and budget should be sent to KOAN not later than 20th July 2021 on For any inquiries call 0721 949 546

The Subject should be titled as :

Organic Inputs System Proposal

Call-for-expression-of-interest-inputs marketing-system