“Connecting Kenyan Organic Producers to the World: Introducing Organic Kenya”

As members of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), we are excited to announce the launch of Organic Kenya – a new initiative that connects Kenyan organic producers to international buyers.

Organic Kenya is a group of fairtrade and EU organic certified companies, including Batian Nuts Limited, Olivado EPZ Limited, Zuri Organics Limited, Fine Aromas of Kenya Limited, and Wondernut Kenya Limited.

Our mission is to provide linkages between organic exporting companies in Kenya and international buyers, while also providing opportunities for our member companies to exhibit their products under the Organic Kenya brand.

We understand the challenges that come with exporting organic products, which is why we also offer matchmaking and due diligence services to ensure that our clients are getting the best products at the best prices. We are committed to building a strong reputation for Kenyan organic products in the global market.

As part of KOAN, we are located along Thika Road, CPA Centre Block A Room 12B, and we welcome all of our members to come and learn more about Organic Kenya and how it can benefit your business. We are also excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at Biofach 2023 (find us at hall 3A stand 320), the world’s leading trade fair for organic food, and invite all of our members to visit our stand and learn more about our products and services.

By joining Organic Kenya, our members will have access to a wider market and better prices for their products. Let us connect you to the best the world has to offer.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of Organic Kenya or want to learn more about our services, please contact us at or visit our website at

We look forward to working with you and promoting the growth of the organic industry in Kenya.




Save the date: Invitation for a get together of PGS actors: Understanding Dynamics of Farmers and Traders in the PGS context

Friday 28th of October



  • Participants: the event is open to everybody interested in PGS – in particular the participants of the study are invited, no registration is necessary, no limitation of participant is needed,
  • Language: English
  • This online events includes:
    • First results of the study conducted by Anna-Lena Ahlf: case study of PGS-groups (Machakos, Murang’a, INOGOF Kiambu, Kiserian/Ngong, Kikuyu Organic Kiambu) and traders (Sylvias Basket, Carrefour, Fine Aromas, Green Spoon, Bridges Restaurant, Cornershop)
    • The opportunity for further exchange  and discussion of different PGS members and traders and other interested actors
    • Is suitable for actors besides farmers and traders that are interested in PGS involvement


1. Farmership-2

2. Study_Report_PGS4CHANGE_V1-1





Deadline : NOVEMBER 30 2022 (EXTENDED FROM NOV 5 2022)

Applications should be sent to 

For any inquiries call 0728 772 805 | 0731 772 805

TORs KOAN Organizational Capacity Assessment


1. Background

KOAN, the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network, is a network that brings together stakeholders in the organic space. Founded in 2005, KOAN has been coordinating the organic sector in Kenya. It has been promoting organic agriculture through communication and trade facilitation. The latter is mainly by training and linking farmers to markets – both domestic and international – and also by linking business development service providers such as input suppliers and certification bodies to  the  organic operators.  The  organization has  been  instrumental in  the  development  and implementation of the East Africa Organic Products Standards (EAOPS), and the related East Africa Organic Mark – the Kilimo Hai Brand. KOAN has also worked closely at the national level to advocate for pro-organic agriculture policies.


KOAN  Vision:  A  vibrant  Ecological Organic  Agriculture sector  for  healthy and  resilient communities and environments.


KOAN Mission:  To coordinate and create public exposure of the National Ecological Organic

Agriculture sector, promoting its contribution to economic, environmental, and social benefits.


Context  of the Assessment


KOAN has registered under the companies act as a company limited by guarantee as a non-profit organization. Since its inception, KOAN  has been operating as an NGO  mainly implementing donor-funded projects aligned to its mission and vision. With the growth of the sector and with more players joining in, the expectations and demands of members and other stakeholders on KOAN have increased. At the same time, KOAN wishes to develop its assets and opportunities and to become less dependent on donor-funded projects with its own sustainable business.


For KOAN to live up to its mandate and to continue even more being relevant to its members and stakeholders, it wants to develop the quality and nature of its services. KOAN intends to start with a new strategic approach and develop its capacity. It is against this background that an organizational capacity assessment is proposed to help a KOAN transition. Various models have worked elsewhere in the organic agriculture sector. One example that has been proposed is the Bio Suisse model which strongly keeps the Kenyan context in mind. Bio Suisse is an organic sector organization in Switzerland just like KOAN. They offer services to their farming members, their license keepers, the organic food processing and trade companies, as well as to the sector as a whole.


KOAN has the support of FiBL, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, to facilitate the identification of key lessons and the drivers for the success of other successful organic umbrella organizations, which can be adapted by taking into consideration the Kenyan context. FiBL will also backstop the KOAN management in taking its decision. It will closely work together with the consultant in the detailed planning of the consultant’s assignment, in the undertaking of the organizational capacity assessment (OCA), and particularly in the plan development. While KOAN formally contracts the consultant and takes the decisions, FiBL will supervise the consultant on the content level and be a discussion partner that provides support and guidance for each step.


The OCA will evaluate the current KOAN  structures, and the skills of staff, board, and other KOAN organs to determine opportunities, gaps, and areas of improvement. The assessment will also take into consideration members’ and stakeholders’ needs, and expectations and recommend how KOAN can address them and the limitations thereof. The aim is to strengthen KOAN to be an efficient and resilient organization with sustainable impacts.


Objectives  of the Assessment


The overall objective of the exercise is that KOAN is able to transition its operations. It wants to grow, be more relevant in the organic market, and be more independent from donor projects. For that purpose, it wants to become more service-oriented to members, and other sector stakeholders. The OCA accompanies that development with specific, well-defined recommendations from the consultant together with FIBL. The developed reports, recommendations and plans will guide the transition strategy of the board and management of KOAN.


Specific objectives are:


  1. To assess members, sectorial, and stakeholders’ needs, expectations, and requirements for the Kenya Organic Agriculture Sector growth
  2. To assess KOAN’s  organizational and staff’s,  board members’  individual capacities to develop the institution and to implement the future work plan
  3. To develop an implementation plan, which should include recommended activities, budget, indicators to measure progress, and suggested sequence of execution. Key focus areas of the  OCA  are  governance  (vision, oversight,  resourcing);  senior  leadership  (board- management linkage); strategy; and operational systems and processes. The OCA development and particularly the implementation plan is closely consulted with the KOAN management and the FiBL advisor.
  4. Identify opportunities  where investment in capacity building will drive organizational change to efficiently deliver services.


Results of the Assessment


  1. The consultant designs and delivers the OCA report in close collaboration with FiBL including a) the capacity assessment, b) the strategic proposals and c) the implementation plan.
  2. The strategic proposal and the implementation plan are developed based on findings from the capacity assessment in collaboration with FiBL. They provide a clear pathway to achieving expected results including the required resources (including financial, human resources, and others)
  3. The OCA report and the implementation plan assess members’, individuals’, organizations’, and where appropriate, sector’s capacity.



Key Deliverables


  1. An inception report, which includes the consultant’s work plan, detailed methodology, report format, and proposed timeline.
  2. Presentation and validation of a draft OCA report and suggested implementation plan in a

Workshop with KOAN members, board, management and staff, and other KOAN invitees.

  1. Presentation of the final report to the organic sector after approval of the report by the

KOAN management.



Scope of Work


  1. Assessment (KOAN Members, – board, staff, farmers Stakeholders in representative areas of  the  country, representative  sample  of  organic  entrepreneurs,  regulators,  Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and local and international partners of KOAN).
  2. Sector context and analysis.
  3. Assess the drivers and constraints which may explain present performance or be a threat to future capacity growth- including mitigation measures.
  4. Assess internal  elements  of  the  organization, including leadership, current  strategy, structures, human resource management, and internal controls.
  5. Assess change readiness and identify potential or present change inertia factors.
  6. Develop change strategy and change management aspects.
  7. Review available government/international  donor  resources and connections including reports
  8. Ongoing consultation with stakeholders in the course of executing the growth plan.



Overall Approach


The assignment and recommendation should be approached in such a way that they facilitate ownership and drive the final growth plan so that results are sustained. It should be participatory and consultative.


Self-assessment and consultative methodologies should be incorporated into the assignment not only to improve the range of information collected but also to improve ownership and drive the implementation plan


Roles and Responsibilities


KOAN Board, Management, and FiBL Backstoper


  1. Will commit time to this exercise and are ready to support the OCA with ideas
  2. Facilitate introductions and connections to key stakeholders for the consultant as necessary
  3. Facilitate focus group and individual interviews
  4. Grant access to necessary organizational documents
  5. Reflect and provide feedback on the ideas of the consultant





  1. Interested consultants submit a proposal on their intended work including their interpretation of the assignment, their proposed methodology, their work plan, and their financial offer (max 3 pages plus CV)
  2. We expect that the consultant works according to these TOR, the proposal, and the inception report that state clear reporting deadlines for the various stages of the assignment. We expect to meet agreed deadlines for deliverables
  3. We expect a timely request for documents and needed logistical support and we expect timely notification for workshops/group discussions and of required participants
  4. We expect a consultant’s involvement of about 10 working days over a period of 2 months



Overall Organization of the Assessment


We organize the assessment process as follows:


  1. Advertisement for Consultants and submission of applications by 31 October 2022.
  2. Selection of the consultant by 4 November 2022 considering the best value for the price, while we keep a priority on quality.
  3. Signing of contract with the Consultant. The contract will include details of the emolument and communication protocol.
  4. The Consultant submits a draft inception report that is agreed with FIBL with the detailed work plan and assessment methodology to the KOAN-management.
  5. KOAN management provides comments and approves the final version of the inception report
  6. The Consultant will execute the assignment as per the agreed work plan starting on 10

November. Necessary revisions to the plan will be communicated and agreed upon in writing. This communication will follow the same protocol as above- when the original plan was approved.

  1. A draft report that is agreed with FiBL is presented to KOAN for validation and feedback
  2. The final report is presented as stated above in a workshop.


TORs KOAN Organizational Capacity Assessment

Organic Herbs and Spices Business Group

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Organic Vegetables and Fruits for Local Market Business Group

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Organic Fruits For Export Business Group

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The Organic Business Summit -Post Event Notes

Accessing markets and building viable consumer bases are a major challenge for all business ventures and the Organic Agriculture Industry is no exception to such realities. It has been our experience that to have any worthwhile business relationship, it is pertinent that all value chain actors from farmers, traders, processors and retailers (not forgetting supporting actors such as certifiers, government and non-governmental actors, inputs suppliers among others) work collaboratively. Collaboration fosters trust and allows players to identify, explore and actualize business opportunities.

The Business Summit was able to outline some areas of interest and to present compelling arguments of why the Organic Agriculture Sector in Kenya is ripe for the picking.

With such a rich pool of stakeholders represented we hope that the event will ignite the spark of collaboration among Organic Agriculture Sector players.

From the Summit Three Thematic areas of interest were identified for collaborative pursuit;

  1. Organic Vegetables and Fruits for Local Market
  2. Organic Fruit for Export
  3. Organic Herbs and Spices

The Business Summit was the just a 1st Step in many to, discussions in the various thematic groups have already commenced with many actors already moving forward in identifying opportunities.

In order to coordinate these collaborations WhatsApp groups have been set up based on the Thematic Groups(TG).

The groups are being coordinated as follows;

  Thematic Group Facilitator
1 Organic Vegetables and Fruits for Local Market Martin Njoroge
2 Organic Fruit for Export Clement Adongo



Lawrence Gitonga

3 Organic Herbs and Spices Emma Njoki

One has to be an interested party to participate in any of the above group and must offer some value to the discussions being held. The main purpose of the groups is to explore business opportunities that must Benefit Farmers in Murang’a County.

Contact Martin Njoroge – 0725 295 437 for more information.

If you missed the summit







Kikuyu Organic Farmer’s Market -Mugumo Hotel Kikuyu

Residents of Kikuyu, Ndenderu, Sigona all the way to Limuru, you can now get ready access to Organic Food from the Kikuyu Organic Farmers market. The farmers are residents of Ondiri and Regen area where if you talk to them nicely will be able to organise basket deliveries and other value adds.



TIME: 9.00AM-1.00PM

Hosted by Ondiri Organic Farmers Group.


Food Inspection


conducts inspections and analysis on foods sampled in different markets all over the country or commissions scientists to conduct such food analysis. This is in a bid to:

1. Safe Guard authenticity of organic food. Organic foods should not have any synthetic chemicals or heavy metal residues, by conducting such food analysis we are able to ascertain that the standards have been maintained and that the consumers are getting what they pay a premium for. If a contravention is detected, consumers will be warned and traceability will be conducted to identify the perpetrator and make sure their product are no loner marketed as organic.

2. Provide consumers with knowledge about food safety, pesticide residues are common place in Kenya, a fact that most might not be aware of. Therefore presenting scientific evidence of such findings provide consumers with tangible reasons to transition to organic.KOAN Staff collecting vegetable samples for food analysis in local market

Farmer’s Market

The organic Industry in Kenya is alive and bubbling. As a fly on the wall in many of the Whatsapp Groups full of passionate and driven organic players you can rarely go wrong with Organic Farmers Markets. And with the COVID 19 Pandemic what better way to get immunity boosting foods than from certified organic farmers?

Here are some of the Organic farmers markets in Nairobi;




Available every Saturday for many years , the INOGOF farmers market is the best place to source vegetables, fish, chicken and other rare items only found in the organic industry. You can find them at Kidventurous Restaurant along garden road. Once you become a regular customer, they will add you to their WhatsApp Group where you can order and have the produce delivered to your door step. If you would like to make a purchase, give a donation or just learn more about the group you can contact Martha – 0722 722 099


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INOGOF FARMERS MARKET -1.216945, 36.858745 INOGOF FARMERS MARKET  at Kidventurous Restaurant - Every Saturday from 9-12am