KOAN’s Partners
KOAN collaborates with several partners for mutual benefit.
These partners include:
Network for Eco Farming in Africa (NECOFA) is a community based non-governmental organization (NGO) promoting Sustainable agriculture and responsible livelihoods since 2003. Its members include community groups (women groups, self help groups and youth groups) and schools (primary, secondary, youth polytechnics and colleges) in Nakuru, Baringo, Isiolo, Kajiado and Meru Counties with whom it promotes participatory community development. The organization focuses on environmental conservation, empowering education, food and nutrition security and ensuring community dignity. NECOFA programs and activities are coordinated from Neema Plaza, Molo Town.
Managing Director
Samuel Karanja Muhunyu
Network for Eco Farming in Africa (NECOFA)
Neema Plaza, Stage-posta Road
P.O. Box 819 – 20106 MOLO
Tel- +254 0722647112
Email; necofakenya@yahoo.com