KOAN is a national membership Organization for organic agriculture in Kenya. KOAN was formed to coordinate, facilitate and provide leadership and professional services to all members and other stakeholders in the organic agriculture industry in Kenya. Its goal is to develop key competencies, skills and strategies in the areas of Organic Production; Marketing; Standards and Certification; Training, Extension and Information Exchange; Networking, Policy and Advocacy

KOAN membership is open to organizations and individuals provided they:

  • Will be involved in organic agriculture, or related issues or at least with proven and specific activities that uphold the principles of Organic Agriculture
  • Are willing to participate in KOAN activities, share knowledge and experiences.
  • Support and endorse KOAN mission, goals and objectives
  • Abide to the KOAN constitution, current at the time of application

    3. Official Address of The Organization / The Individual Applicant

    Interest Area (choose a maximum of 3)

    Traders, exportersProducer organizationsLarge-scale farmersSmallholder ProducersTraining organizationsCertification bodiesGovernmentResearch organizationsAdvocacy groups including networks

    Membership Type

    a) Corporate membership This is open to NGOs, Networks, Government Departments/ Organs, and Private Companies.b) NGOs membership Category - Open to National and international NGOs, government departments, parastatals supporting providing support services to farmers.c) CBOs, SHG, FBO and Farmer Groups Membership Category - These include Community based Organizations, Self Help Groups, Farmer Based Organizations and other Farmer Groups that are formed by communities and represent these communities.d) Sponsor Associate membership Category - This is open to any organizations or persons wishing to sponsor KOAN activities.

    5. What is the status of your organization /Network (required)

    7. What is the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the organization?

    In what ways do you think your organization and its beneficiary communities will benefit from KOAN?

    In what ways do you think the members of KOAN will benefit from collaborating with your organization