
5th Organic Business Workshop

Unveiling Opportunities: Join Us at the 5th Organic Business Workshop!

The Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) is at the forefront of Kenya’s organic agriculture sector, providing essential guidance and professional advisory services to members and stakeholders. Our focus spans organic production, technical training, marketing, certification, and policy matters. In line with our mission, we’re thrilled to announce our 5th Annual Organic Business Workshop, aimed at enhancing market connections within the organic sector.

Globally, the organic industry is experiencing remarkable growth, emerging as the fastest-expanding segment within agriculture, with billions of dollars in products traded annually. This growth is mirrored in Kenya, where the demand for safe, wholesome food is rising, driven by concerns about food safety in the local supply chain. With a discerning middle class making more conscious food choices and export markets prioritizing sustainability and reduced carbon footprints, the organic sector’s importance is skyrocketing.

KOAN has been a trailblazer in fostering business partnerships within the organic industry, facilitating local and international trade through strategic advisory services and partnerships. In collaboration with the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL), we are steadfast in advancing organic market development in Kenya, targeting both domestic and export markets.

The Organic Business Workshop is an exclusive gathering designed to highlight identified organic business prospects across four counties: Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Machakos, and Murang’a. The workshop will focus on three key Strategic Business Groups: Organic Vegetables, Organic Fruits, and Organic Roots and Tubers. This event serves as a platform to explore new partnerships within these identified pathways and to share insights from our Annual Organic Data Survey.

As a valued organic stakeholder, we are excited to invite you to the 5th Organic Business Workshop, scheduled for May 8th, 2024, at Pride Inn Azure, Westlands Nairobi, Kenya, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please register via this link to join the meeting virtually via zoom.

We eagerly anticipate your active participation in this workshop, which marks a pivotal step in exploring collaborative organic business opportunities. For any inquiries or further information, please feel free to contact the undersigned or Martin Njoroge Kimani at or +254 725 295 437.

7th Africa Agri Expo

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Kilimohai Organic

The Kilimohai Organic mark is a certification for organic produce and processed products in East Africa. It is endorsed by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and is based on the East African Organic Products Standard (EAOPS). This certification is a product of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), an organization dedicated to promoting organic farming in Kenya and East Africa. It guarantees that agricultural crops are cultivated without the use of chemical inputs and undergo a thorough review and verification process by specialized inspectors to ensure compliance with the Kilimohai Organic production standard.

kilimohai organic mark

For further insights into organic farming, you can explore the Kilimohai website. It offers a range of training materials, case studies, and farming manuals.

Organic certified

Why Get Organic Certified

Organic certification is a process by which agricultural products, including crops and livestock, are verified to have been grown or raised according to specific standards and practices defined by organic farming principles. These principles typically include:

Avoidance of Synthetic Inputs: Organic farming prohibits the use of synthetic chemicals such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Soil Health and Conservation: Organic practices emphasize soil health through techniques like crop rotation, composting, and the use of natural fertilizers to promote natural nutrient cycling and prevent soil degradation.

Biodiversity Conservation: Organic farming encourages the preservation of biodiversity by promoting natural pest management, using cover crops, and creating habitats for beneficial wildlife.

Animal Welfare: In organic livestock farming, there is an emphasis on providing animals with access to the outdoors, adequate space, and a diet free from synthetic additives and growth hormones.

Avoidance of Antibiotics and Hormones: Organic livestock farming generally prohibits the use of antibiotics for non-therapeutic purposes and the use of growth hormones.

Genetic Integrity: Organic certification typically requires the use of non-GMO seeds and livestock breeds.

Traceability and Transparency: Organic certification involves keeping detailed records of all farming practices, inputs used, and any treatments applied to crops or livestock.

To achieve organic certification, farmers and producers must go through a rigorous verification process conducted by accredited certification bodies. These bodies assess whether the farm or operation complies with the established organic standards.

Once certified, products can bear an official organic label or seal, which indicates to consumers that the product has met these specific organic farming standards. This label assures consumers that the product is produced using methods that prioritize environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and human health.

Organic certification helps create transparency in the market, allowing consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase and supporting sustainable agricultural practices

2nd International Africa Avocado Congress 2023

Our friends at the Avocado Society of Kenya will be holding the Second International Africa Avocado Congress 2023 from 31st May to 2nd June, 2023 at the Sarit Expo Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Avocado Africa Congress 2023 is the largest global convergence of stakeholders in the avocado sector held in Africa. This year’s theme is “Avocado Africa; a convergence of technology and business for increased competitiveness and trade,” the event is aimed at stimulating trade, technology and knowledge transfer and sharing and will draw participants in the Avocado sector and other stakeholders across the world.

For more information on how you can be part of this congress visit or register via: 0722 406 941 | 0722 457 388 | 0733 917 964 | 0722 292 360 and check the poster below.


International Farmers and Food Processors Expo 2023

We are pleased to extend the Skyzone Group invitation to exhibit at the International Farmers and Food Processors Expo which will be held from 8th to 10th June, 2023 at the Paradise Lost, along Kiambu Road.

This year’s theme is christened “Embracing agriculture and food production for socio-economic development,” and is expected to draw local and international participants across the agricultural food value chain including; small-scale farmers, input suppliers, food processors, and innovative technologies suppliers.

The expo will be a platform to foster trade, engage with participants and learn the latest trends and technologies in the food value chain for farmers and actors in the food processing sub-sector.

You can register as an exhibitor for three days for Kshs. 50,000 or as an individual organization or Kshs. 100,000 as an umbrella organization, by clicking this link.  For further clarification and information, see the poster below or reach out to Martha Kihara via +254 722 722 099 or Michael Allan Mugambi via +254 728 527 503.

We urge you to support our organic sector by exhibiting at the event.


“Connecting Kenyan Organic Producers to the World: Introducing Organic Kenya”

As members of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), we are excited to announce the launch of Organic Kenya – a new initiative that connects Kenyan organic producers to international buyers.

Organic Kenya is a group of fairtrade and EU organic certified companies, including Batian Nuts Limited, Olivado EPZ Limited, Zuri Organics Limited, Fine Aromas of Kenya Limited, and Wondernut Kenya Limited.

Our mission is to provide linkages between organic exporting companies in Kenya and international buyers, while also providing opportunities for our member companies to exhibit their products under the Organic Kenya brand.

We understand the challenges that come with exporting organic products, which is why we also offer matchmaking and due diligence services to ensure that our clients are getting the best products at the best prices. We are committed to building a strong reputation for Kenyan organic products in the global market.

As part of KOAN, we are located along Thika Road, CPA Centre Block A Room 12B, and we welcome all of our members to come and learn more about Organic Kenya and how it can benefit your business. We are also excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at Biofach 2023 (find us at hall 3A stand 320), the world’s leading trade fair for organic food, and invite all of our members to visit our stand and learn more about our products and services.

By joining Organic Kenya, our members will have access to a wider market and better prices for their products. Let us connect you to the best the world has to offer.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of Organic Kenya or want to learn more about our services, please contact us at or visit our website at

We look forward to working with you and promoting the growth of the organic industry in Kenya.



Organic Awareness Creation through Social Media in Kenya


Title: Organic Awareness Creation through Social Media in Kenya

Overall Goal: To create demand for organic local produce in Kenya, with the goal of stimulating a healthier diet and promoting environmentally friendly and income-enhancing agricultural production in rural areas.

Implementing Partners: The project is being implemented by FiBL Switzerland in collaboration with Kenyan partners  the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) and WOWZI.

Project Period: 2.5 years, from March 2021 to September 2023.

Synergies with existing projects: The proposed activities build on ongoing projects to strengthen organic farmers’ access to markets within the PMCA & GIZ Knowledge Hub projects, as well as the Bachmann Digitalization Pilot project that digitizes training materials in East Africa.

Targeted Outcomes:

Outcome 1 – Awareness creation campaign using Influencer Marketing

  • 30 Kenyan youths are selected and trained to upgrade their influencer profile with organic content
  • 2-3 major influencers are hired to run a campaign for healthy, organic food in the context of Nairobi.

Outcome 2 – Development of a consumer-oriented Organic Information Platform

  • 1 Organic web portal created to serve as the main reference portal for all Kenya Organic Stakeholders (Farmers, Traders, Consumers & Supporting Actors) providing trustworthy information on this topic
  • 1 organic commodities trading platform to facilitate B2B and B2C transactions between farmers, traders and consumers to improve trading and access of organic food.

Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Title: Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Period: 2022-2024

Objective: The main objective of this project is to support the development of strong and inclusive organic businesses and value chains in Kenya, targeting both the domestic and export market, while also improving the capacity of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) as a professional, business-oriented organization that offers high-quality services to its members, other sector actors, and the public.

Target Beneficiaries:

  • Direct: 2000 farmers, 100 traders and exporters, 10 input suppliers, 3 certification bodies, and 5 NGOs and CBOs
  • Indirect: 20,000 consumers, 4 county governments, and 3 research and training institutions.


  • The project aims to set up and improve groups certified under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), resulting in improved market access for farmers through partnerships with actors along the value chain (processors, retailers, etc.) via the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
  • It aims to increase the number of business opportunities linking farmers with retailers and processors.
  • Positioning the Kilimohai organic standard in Kenya, and making it widely used by retailers, to make farmers’ investments in becoming Kilimohai certified, worth it.
  • The project seeks to support KOAN in becoming well-positioned to drive the further development of the organic market, with skilled staff, a lean and business-oriented structure and procedures.

Coverage: The project will cover four counties in Kenya, including Kiambu County, Kirinyaga County, Murang’a County, and Machakos County, with a total target of 400 farmers in each county.

Expected outcome :

  • Outcome 1: Strong inclusive organic businesses and value chains targeting both the domestic and export market.
  • Outcome 2: Improved capacity of KOAN as a business-oriented organization offering high quality services to members, other sector actors, and the public.


Date : Thursday 24th November 2022

Venue : Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Cultural Studies  (University of Nairobi)

Time : 9.00am – 1.00pm

Goal : Growing the Organic Industry through collaboration and innovation among value chain actors


  • To identify interesting areas for organic business innovation and collaboration
  • To provide opportunity for improved networking among organic value chain actors in Kenya.
  • To create awareness about organic business support scheme.

Participants: Organic sector traders, retailers, processors, farmer groups, logistic partners and interested parties.


Whereas Organic farming is seen as an alternative to conventional farming which has negative attendant impacts on the environment, a lot of opportunities exist in Kenya’s organic sector both local and export markets. KOAN is committed to working with organic stakeholders to take advantage of the prevailing business opportunities as well as spur innovation for developing new ones.

The participatory market chain approach (PMCA) methodology has been piloted successfully in Kenya from 2020-2022. The Pilot reaffirmed the philosophy of collaboration over competition and several opportunities were identified and continue to be pursued. It is with this in mind that we invite you to the PMCA Phase 1 main event.

This event is dubbed as the 4TH ORGANIC BUSINESS PLANNING WORKSHOP 2022, will bring together actors (Retailers, Traders, Processors, Farmer Groups and others) in the sector with the goal of presenting interesting ideas that have been gathered, through market research by KOAN. It is our goal to see Functional Thematic Groups (TG) emerge which will engage and identify interesting business opportunities for joint exploration.