
Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Title: Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Period: 2022-2024

Objective: The main objective of this project is to support the development of strong and inclusive organic businesses and value chains in Kenya, targeting both the domestic and export market, while also improving the capacity of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) as a professional, business-oriented organization that offers high-quality services to its members, other sector actors, and the public.

Target Beneficiaries:

  • Direct: 2000 farmers, 100 traders and exporters, 10 input suppliers, 3 certification bodies, and 5 NGOs and CBOs
  • Indirect: 20,000 consumers, 4 county governments, and 3 research and training institutions.


  • The project aims to set up and improve groups certified under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), resulting in improved market access for farmers through partnerships with actors along the value chain (processors, retailers, etc.) via the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
  • It aims to increase the number of business opportunities linking farmers with retailers and processors.
  • Positioning the Kilimohai organic standard in Kenya, and making it widely used by retailers, to make farmers’ investments in becoming Kilimohai certified, worth it.
  • The project seeks to support KOAN in becoming well-positioned to drive the further development of the organic market, with skilled staff, a lean and business-oriented structure and procedures.

Coverage: The project will cover four counties in Kenya, including Kiambu County, Kirinyaga County, Murang’a County, and Machakos County, with a total target of 400 farmers in each county.

Expected outcome :

  • Outcome 1: Strong inclusive organic businesses and value chains targeting both the domestic and export market.
  • Outcome 2: Improved capacity of KOAN as a business-oriented organization offering high quality services to members, other sector actors, and the public.

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