KOAN and Greenspoon Supermarket join forces to promote Certified Organic Products in Kenya

We are thrilled to share the news of our partnership with Greenspoon Supermarket. As part of this collaboration, we are delighted to provide a 10% discount on all Kilimohai Organic certified products offered at Greenspoon.

Furthermore, Greenspoon is actively pursuing additional certified organic suppliers. Their dedication to promoting organic practices means they are actively seeking collaborations with certified farms and processors. This creates a valuable opportunity for you as well as the farmers you certify.

We would appreciate your support in providing us with a comprehensive list of your certified farms, including their details and the dates of their most recent certification audits. Through our collaboration with Greenspoon, we aim to collectively strengthen the Kilimohai certification process and encourage more farms and processors in Kenya to pursue organic certification.

Furthermore, if you have farms that hold certifications under other well recognized organic standards such as USDA Organic, National Organic Program (NOP), European Union (EU) organic certification, Japanese Agricultural Organic Standard (JAS), or China Organic Standards, we kindly request your assistance in facilitating their connection with us. Your support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

To streamline this process, we would appreciate it if you could pass on our contact details to your certified farms. This will enable us to directly communicate with them. Our team is eager to furnish them with additional information regarding the partnership and guide them on becoming suppliers for Greenspoon Supermarket.

We are excited about this opportunity to strengthen Kilimohai Organic certification and expand the presence of certified organic products in Kenya. Your collaboration and support play an integral role in achieving our shared goals. Visit https://kilimohaikenya.org/all-shop-store/ to redeem your 10% coupon discount and check out other participating outlets. 

We sincerely appreciate your forthcoming assistance. If you have any inquiries or need additional information, please feel free to contact Martin Njoroge, Programmes Officer via martin@koan.co.ke or +254 725 295 437 without hesitation. We eagerly anticipate working hand in hand and creating a beneficial influence on the organic industry in Kenya.

Download Press Release HERE

Commencement and Launch Meeting for the Integrated Sustainable Production of Tomatoes (ISPOT) in Kenya Phase II

Mary took on the responsibility of representing our team at the highly anticipated Project Inception and Kickoff Meeting for the Integrated Sustainable Production of Tomatoes (ISPOT) in Kenya Phase II. The meeting was held on the 30th and 31st of May 2023 at the Mara Frontier Hotel in Narok, Kenya.

This pivotal gathering served as the foundation for the implementation of the ISPOT Phase II project in two counties, namely Kirinyaga and Narok. The primary objective of the meeting was to unite stakeholders and foster a shared understanding of the project’s scope, timeline, and respective roles.

By attending this meeting, Mary played a crucial role in establishing a strong starting point for the ISPOT Phase II project. Her presence ensured that our team’s voice was heard and that our interests were represented among the diverse group of stakeholders present.

Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

The two-day event provided an opportunity for stakeholders to align their perspectives, discuss project details, and forge a common vision for the successful execution of the ISPOT Phase II initiative. Through active participation and insightful contributions, Mary helped to facilitate effective communication and collaboration among all involved parties.

As the meeting drew to a close, it became evident that the shared understanding achieved during this gathering would serve as a solid foundation for the subsequent stages of the project. With a clear project scope, well-defined timeline, and clearly established roles for each stakeholder, the ISPOT Phase II project is poised for a successful implementation in Kirinyaga and Narok counties.

Mary’s dedicated representation during the Project Inception and Kickoff Meeting contributed significantly to the collective effort of ensuring a smooth and coordinated start to the ISPOT Phase II project. Her involvement exemplified our team’s commitment to the project’s success and set the stage for fruitful collaboration with all stakeholders involved.

Overall, the meeting was a crucial milestone in the ISPOT Phase II project, bringing together key players and laying the groundwork for a harmonious and efficient project implementation process.

Actualizing the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) methodology

The implementation of the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) methodology has demonstrated immense potential in revolutionizing the organic industry throughout Kenya. During the trial period implemented in the COVID-19 pandemic years (2020-2022), a lot happened and much more was started.  Among these notable achievements, was the establishment and growth of the Kangari Organic Farmers Markets (KOFAM) and the Gatanga Organic Farmers Market (GOFAM).

Due to the imposed travel restrictions, organic products that were primarily destined for the Nairobi market faced significant challenges in reaching their consumers. Consequently, farmers began exploring local markets as an alternative solution. Initially, the idea of establishing a grocery shop in Kangari was considered, but based on past experiences regarding the management and upkeep of such ventures, it was discarded. Instead, the public market emerged as a favorable platform for selling organic products. Our collaboration with the farmers involved identifying business opportunities and refining them with the 5Ps of marketing (Product, Place, Price, Promotion, and Packaging).

Recognizing the importance of branding, the farmers made efforts to establish their unique presence within the market. They also engaged in negotiations with the County government to secure a dedicated space within the market premises where organic farmers could showcase and sell their products within specific timeframes. Furthermore, the farmers donned distinctive dustcoats and other branded attire, generating additional interest and driving sales. Today, the Kangari market operates successfully, displaying a sense of independence and witnessing ongoing growth. Our role as KOAN primarily involves supporting the Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) associated with the market.

Further accomplishments, which will be discussed in subsequent communique, including the development of herbs and spices dryer, the introduction of KOFAM and GOFAM herbs products, and the establishment of the Kenya Organic Avocado brand.

Organic Awareness Creation through Social Media in Kenya


Title: Organic Awareness Creation through Social Media in Kenya

Overall Goal: To create demand for organic local produce in Kenya, with the goal of stimulating a healthier diet and promoting environmentally friendly and income-enhancing agricultural production in rural areas.

Implementing Partners: The project is being implemented by FiBL Switzerland in collaboration with Kenyan partners  the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) and WOWZI.

Project Period: 2.5 years, from March 2021 to September 2023.

Synergies with existing projects: The proposed activities build on ongoing projects to strengthen organic farmers’ access to markets within the PMCA & GIZ Knowledge Hub projects, as well as the Bachmann Digitalization Pilot project that digitizes training materials in East Africa.

Targeted Outcomes:

Outcome 1 – Awareness creation campaign using Influencer Marketing

  • 30 Kenyan youths are selected and trained to upgrade their influencer profile with organic content
  • 2-3 major influencers are hired to run a campaign for healthy, organic food in the context of Nairobi.

Outcome 2 – Development of a consumer-oriented Organic Information Platform

  • 1 Organic web portal created to serve as the main reference portal for all Kenya Organic Stakeholders (Farmers, Traders, Consumers & Supporting Actors) providing trustworthy information on this topic
  • 1 organic commodities trading platform to facilitate B2B and B2C transactions between farmers, traders and consumers to improve trading and access of organic food.

Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Title: Accelerating Organic Market Development in Kenya Project

Period: 2022-2024

Objective: The main objective of this project is to support the development of strong and inclusive organic businesses and value chains in Kenya, targeting both the domestic and export market, while also improving the capacity of the Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) as a professional, business-oriented organization that offers high-quality services to its members, other sector actors, and the public.

Target Beneficiaries:

  • Direct: 2000 farmers, 100 traders and exporters, 10 input suppliers, 3 certification bodies, and 5 NGOs and CBOs
  • Indirect: 20,000 consumers, 4 county governments, and 3 research and training institutions.


  • The project aims to set up and improve groups certified under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), resulting in improved market access for farmers through partnerships with actors along the value chain (processors, retailers, etc.) via the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
  • It aims to increase the number of business opportunities linking farmers with retailers and processors.
  • Positioning the Kilimohai organic standard in Kenya, and making it widely used by retailers, to make farmers’ investments in becoming Kilimohai certified, worth it.
  • The project seeks to support KOAN in becoming well-positioned to drive the further development of the organic market, with skilled staff, a lean and business-oriented structure and procedures.

Coverage: The project will cover four counties in Kenya, including Kiambu County, Kirinyaga County, Murang’a County, and Machakos County, with a total target of 400 farmers in each county.

Expected outcome :

  • Outcome 1: Strong inclusive organic businesses and value chains targeting both the domestic and export market.
  • Outcome 2: Improved capacity of KOAN as a business-oriented organization offering high quality services to members, other sector actors, and the public.

Agrochemicals & Alternatives

AGROCHEMICALS AND ALTERNATIVES PROJECT- Transitioning farmers from Agrochemical reliance to safer and sustainable options.

The projects aimed at providing alternatives to commercial agrochemicals which are harmful to human, animal and environmental health. The study focuses on Agrochemical use in Murang’a and Kirinyaga, making a comparison between Organic and Conventional Farmers. The project has several components;

Component 1 : Farmer Survey to catalogue pesticide use in both Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties

Component 2 : Screening of ToxicBusiness Documentaries in both Murang’a and Kirinyaga Counties. These documentaries were developed by the Route To Food Initiative

Component 3 : Development of SaferInputsDatabase which is a platform with commonly used pesticides and the alternatives available. the Database will serve to  transition farmers and other users to safer options following the Integrated Pest Management methods.

Component 4: Media and Publicity of the three components.


1. Agrochemicals and Alternatives -Survey Results

2. Whitepaper on pesticide use in Murang’a and Machakos


Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative

Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOAI) 2017 – 2019 funded by SIDA through the Swedish Society of Nature Conservation, (SSNC) and the (EOAI) 2015 – 2018 funded by Swiss Development Cooperation

Since the agrarian revolution, conventional agriculture has been seen as the solution to food security worldwide. Agriculture became commercialized and large-scale production systems emerged where farm mechanization and use of synthetic agrochemicals were the most effective means of controlling pests and diseases. The use of synthetic agrochemicals indeed boosts production in the short term but have significant negative impacts in the long run. As more research into the impact of synthetic agrochemicals comes in, it is more apparent that ecological agricultural production methods need to be mainstreamed if food security in Africa is to be attained.

The Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative is an African Union-led continental programme, started in 2011 and implemented under the guidance and oversight of the AU chaired Continental Steering Committee (CSC).  EOA aims at instituting an African organic farming platform based on available best practices; and developing sustainable organic farming systems and improved seed quality. The mission of the initiative is to promote ecologically sound strategies and practices among diverse stakeholders involved in the production, processing, marketing, and policy-making to safeguard the environment, improve livelihoods, alleviate poverty and guarantee food security among farmers in Africa. The goal is to contribute to mainstreaming of Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) into national agricultural production systems by 2025 in order to improve agricultural productivity, food security, access to markets and sustainable development in Africa.

Fruits and Vegetables Supply System

Developing a sustainable supply system for fruits and vegetables from smallholder farmers in Muranga and Machakos counties to modern markets in Kenya.

The project aims at addressing key challenges in marketing organic produce from smallholder farmers which include but not limited to: weak linkages between producers and traders, poor quality of produce reaching the market, low capacity for farmers/traders to organize logistics (handling, sorting, grading, packaging and transportation) for products to reach the market, poor organization and bulking of products from smallholder farmers whose scale of production is low and lack of cold chain which jeopardizes quality management along the chain, weak guarantee system, weak flow of market information and limited awareness of organic products. The project also builds upon lessons learnt in previous marketing projects which include the need for strengthening supply logistics, cultivating strong relationships between supermarket and farmers, quality management along the value chain and developing a strong organic brand for higher visibility of organic products in the market.

The project is designed not only to address issues on one side of the chain but takes a holistic approach to address challenges based on past experiences at different nodes of the chain. These experiences are from the chain actors and not one organization. The implementation of the project will also be participatory involving and working together with all the stakeholders. This will critical to ensure success of the project.


For More Up to date Details about the Project Follow this link

Lake Bogoria

Empowering Communities in Lake Bogoria Production Landscape to enhance the overall effectiveness in the management and conservation of the Lake Bogoria National Reserve, through inclusiveness and consensus-building.

This is a conservation project for the Lake Bogoria Landscape, a priority Landscape for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Phase six. The project supports community-based organizations and networks that cover the entire Lake Bogoria Basin such as the Water Resources Users Association; the Baringo County Community Conservancies Association (BCCCA); the Rift Lakes Conservancies Association (RLCA) and the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA), given their critical role for replication, upscaling and sustainability.